A Short Guide To Understand The Best Dimensions For Facebook Ad

A Short Guide To Understand The Best Dimensions For Facebook Ad

Let’s assume you’re reading this article on your PC or mobile during your break or working hours. As you scroll down, I’ll remind you that average American spends over five years of his or her life consuming social media content. In half a decade you could stroll the Great Wall of China thrice or fly to the moon and back thirty-two times. Pretty shocking facts, right?

The truth is that we spend a reasonable amount of time scrolling social media pages, news stories, articles, status updates and stop when we come across an image that catches our attention.

In matters related to posting content on social media, as individuals or as a company, the identity and visual face of your brand is usually the first thing the audience see and the only thing they might remember. At a glimpse, it of importance to get your concept and images spot on!

The Potential In Facebook Advertising

As it stands Facebook advertising is a must do for all marketers. The sheer number of daily active users – 1 billion for those not in the know – makes the giant social platform a favorite for small businesses. Targeted Facebook ads reach a vast audience at only a fraction of conventional advertising costs. In spite of the possible reach, plenty of merchants shun Facebook ads owing to their intricacies, for instance, figuring the best dimensions for Facebook ads.

From targeting the ideal clientele to drawing up compelling ads to assessing the gains of the drive – the social platform created by Mark Zuckerberg in his dormitory makes it simple for companies of all sizes to flourish.

Why Employ Facebook Ads?

Despite the proliferation of numerous social networks, over the last few years, Facebook stands as the leading choice for marketers all over. Inbound marketers have unearthed great opportunities with Facebook, thereby making it the colossal platform stand out from the Pinterest’s, Twitter’s and Snapchat’s of today. Bearing numerous perks, it’s apparent why marketers demand monthly Facebook ad budgets north of $250,000.

Design The Ideal Facebook Ad By Understanding The Best Dimensions For Facebook Ad

This section will address the best Facebook news feed ad size and content sizes comprehensively.

You wish to run a video or carousel ad? What’s the ideal size for your thumbnail or Facebook ad image size respectively? How much text must you include?

Specifications are continuously changing. The recommendations in this article will aim to ensure that the videos and photos you place in your ads look compelling on Facebook.

1. Single Image Specs

Among the most functional ad types, single image ads, are handy when the marketer aims to seize attention using one image. These ads are usable with every purpose besides for video views. Single ad images are a fast means of advertising since the content creator works with one image.

Facebook grants for the creation of horizontal and vertical single image ads. One upside of using vertical ads is that the ads fill up more space more so on smartphones owing to their big screens.

Below is an illustration of a single image ad:

Approved design specs:

  • Size: 1,200 x 628
  • Ratio: 1.91 : 1


  • Caption: 25 characters
  • Text: 90 characters
  • Link narration: 30 characters

To reap maximum benefits from exposure and distribution of your ad, Facebook prescribes using images bearing minimal to no superimposed text.

Extreme cases

Two set of problems bear somewhat varying design specs for this kind of ad: app management and page promotion. Below are the disparities in their respective specs.

  • Boost app management:
  • Image ratio – 16:9
  • Boost your page
  • Image ratio: 8:3
  • Size: 1,200 x 444 pixels

Supposing that you want to employ an image for a sideshow, canvas ad or carousel, Facebook urges using different dimensions than those outlined above.

2. Specs For Single Video Ads

Video ads remain an essential component for your marketing strategy as they draw considerable traffic to your page and website and Facebook makes it simple to create various kinds of videos.

Videos allow marketers to tell their story in a more engaging way. Also, it’s possible to run video ads for just about all objectives other than for product catalog advertising. Below is an illustration of a Facebook newsfeed ad size for a single video.

  • Recommended video specs:
  • Video format: MP4 and MOV files are perfect
  • File size: a max of 2.3 GB
  • Resolution: 720p at worst
  • Length: a max of 120 minutes
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Thumbnail size: 1200 x 675 pixels
  • Thumbnail ratio: correspond your video’s aspect ratio
  • Caption length: max of 2,200 characters; text only


  • Link description: 90 char
  • Headline: 25 characters
  • Text: 90 characters

3. Slideshow Ad Specs

The slideshow ads allows for the creation of looping video adverts featuring up to ten images and are available for almost all marketing objectives besides product catalog promotion.

Slideshow specs:

  • Image ratio: 2:3, 1:1, 16:9
  • Image size: 1,280 x 720 pixels
  • Video format: MP4 or MOV files


  • Headline: 25 characters
  • Text: 90 characters
  • Description: 30 characters

Use images with similar dimensions. Supposing you happen to use images of varying sizes, your slideshow the slideshow will end up cropped in a square.

4. Canvas Ad Specs

The most recent ad type, Canvas is available solely on mobile and allows users to design compelling mobile ads with some things in mind:

  • Grow your reach
  • Get video views
  • Grow brand awareness
  • Boost your posts
  • Increase site conversions

At a glimpse, when you spot it on your News Feed, it looks identical to other ad types. Below is an illustration of a canvas ad on a timeline.

When users click on the ad, it opens up thereby giving them an engaging tailored content – but with the choice to opt out of the time whenever they want.

Components of a Canvas ad

A variety of components make up a canvas ad, and they include:

  • Photos (1:1, 16:9, 1,200 x 628 pixels)
  • Ad unit
  • Buttons
  • Video (MP4 or MOV format, 1:1, 16:9)
  • Carousel
  • Tilt-to-pan images (.JPG, .PNG, 1,920 x 3240-5,400)
  • Text block
  • Header

You mustn’t use all components, and you can choose the one you wish to incorporate in your canvas.

5. Carousel Ad Specs

Carousel ads allow you to videos, slideshows and up to 10 photos in a single ad, each linked other pages – your audience can check your content on their gadgets.

Below is a good illustration of such an ad:

A carousel ad in action:

This ad type suits most of the marketing goals except for page promos, increasing attendance at events, fetching video views, boosting your posts and reaching out to people near your company.


  • Image ratio: 1:1
  • Image size: 1,080 x 1,080


  • Narration: 20 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Text: 90 characters

Use images with the least amount of overlaid text (or preferably free of text) to reap maximum rewards from exposure and distribution.

Video specs

  • Aspect ratio: square (1:1)
  • Format: MP4 or MOV
  • Resolution: 720p minimum
  • Size: 2.3GB max
  • Facebook length: 2 hours
  • Thumbnail image size and image ratio: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels, should match the video’s aspect ratio


Hope you found this guide helpful. Specs change from time to time, and we’ll be keen on keeping you posted on any changes.

Currently, the above remains the best dimensions for Facebook ads you can use to optimize your marketing strategy.


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